Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to join the Green Earth Initiative

What is The Green Earth Initiative and how does it work? The Zero Carbon Alliance sees a future America that utilizes renewable resources to power the nation. The Green Earth Initiative embodies this hope. By giving every American the awareness and ability to support renewable energy, we hope to make this environmentally responsible vision a sustainable reality.

We are making progress but have far to go, as shown in the energy analysis to the right.

Approximately 1% of our total energy consumption is covered by renewable resources 

As a society we must reduce our dependency from foreign oil and the stranglehold the oil cartel has on America’s economy. It is imperative we reduce our demand for all fossil fuel energy sources to help save our planet’s environment and atmosphere from the detrimental effects of greenhouse gas and the erosion of our ozone layer … we need to act NOW for our children’s future.


There are only three real ways to reduce the use of non-sustainable energy resources in order to lower your own CO2 emissions (your carbon footprint):

  1. CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR:Dramatically reduce your fuel and energy consumption, as well as CO2 emissions …turn off heat and A/C, increase home insulation, use mass transit, etc.

  2. INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY:Reduce your fuel and energy consumption and CO2 emissions through capital investment of tens of thousands of dollars in equipment and technology … like electric cars, solar panels, etc.

  3. PURCHASE REC OFFSETSBuy carbon offsets against current energy consumption and CO2 emissions through the purchase of EPA sanctioned “Renewable Energy Certificates” (RECs) for your home and “Green Tags” for your car


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